Before you join, please read the following thoroughly
This page is a brief rundown of our general operational requirements and policies. More detailed information is available after joining.
FDXvirtual has no relationship with Federal Express or any of its subsidiaries affiliates. We are an independent group of hobbyists and are in no way endorsed by FedEx.
What's FDXvirtual?
FDXvirtual is one of five virtual airlines in the Fusion Virtual Airline Alliance (FVAA). We are based on the real-world FedEx Express, and we incorporate selected historical schedules from FedEx as well as updated and accurate modern schedules.
What's vAMSYS?
vAMSYS (Virtual Airline Management System) is a platform to which we, FDXvirtual, subscribe.
Each VA on vAMSYS is a separate entity and are operated by different owners and volunteers.
Simulators Supported
We do not and cannot support any mobile or console-based simulators.
Activity Requirements
We require one (1) PIREP filed via Pegasus within ten (10) days after joining.
Thereafter, we require one (1) PIREP filed via Pegasus every ninety (90) days, with a ten (10) day grace period.
Rejected PIREPs count towards the activity requirement.
Invalidated PIREPs do not count towards the activity requirement.
PIREP Claims do not count towards the activity requirement.
After completing the initial activity requirement, 180 days' worth of "holiday" time is available.
If you are marked inactive, you can rejoin and your prior pilot ID and PIREP/points history will be restored.
Livery Requirements
In order for your PIREPs to be accepted, we have the following requirements for liveries:
The booked aircraft type must match the flown aircraft type. This extends to sub-variants: for example, you cannot book an A300 and fly an A300.
The booked airline must match the airline of the flown livery, a FedEx flight must be operated with a FedEx livery.
Historical liveries are allowed so long as the aircraft you are flying wore that livery. For example, the B777F never wore the original livery with the blue top.
Fictional liveries are not allowed; neither are blank, "house" or manufacturer liveries.
Prohibited Aircraft Add-ons
We understand that by prohibiting certain add-ons, we may disappoint some users. We also understand that these prohibitions exclude several aircraft types entirely from MSFS at this time. An aircraft type being included in our schedules does not mean that any add-on representing that type is approved for PIREPs.
The FDXvirtual team wants these aircraft types to be represented as badly, if not more so, than our users do. We have a certain standard of realism and quality that we want to promote, and so for add-ons that we feel fall outside of these standards, or add-ons that we think take advantage of the flight simulation community, we chose to exclude them so that we are able to deliver on one of our goals: maximizing realism where it counts.
The following aircraft are prohibited from use; any PIREP filed with them will be invalidated.
- MSFS CaptainSim 767
- MSFS CaptainSim 777
- MSFS RHDSimulations 767-300ER
- MSFS SkySimulations MD-11
- XP11/12 Rotate MD-11 Passenger version (the Freighter version is approved for use)
Miscellaneous Requirements
Members must comply with our Bylaws and Code of Conduct at all times.
Our Discord is restricted to people eighteen (18) years of age and older.
Time Acceleration during flights is strictly prohibited.
In-flight Refueling is strictly prohibited.
We do not require all flights to be flown on online air traffic control networks like VATSIM, but pilots who do fly on the networks are expected to be competent, knowledgeable about their aircraft, and familiar with the regulations and procedures of the country in which their simulated flight is operating.
All information, manuals, checklists, and resources provided by VirtUAL are intended for hobby use only. No information provided by VirtUAL should be used for real world flight operations. Instead, refer to the operational data and approved procedures for your aircraft provided by the relevant manufacturer, operator, and/or regulatory body.
The technical information and operating procedures in our resources have been compiled from publicly available documents found online and by compiling information collected from speaking to subject matter experts within the larger flight simulation community. None of the information in our resources have been reviewed, endorsed, or approved by regulatory officials, the relevant equipment manufacturers, any airline or air carrier, or engineers.
Attempting to utilize any information found in our documentation for real world flight operations could be catastrophic, involving potential revocation of licensure, personal liability, injury, or death.