vAMSYS VA Application Form
We are thrilled to see you want to check out vAMSYS and perhaps start/transfer your Virtual Airline to
our system.
Some important information before we begin
- Only the principal owner of the Virtual Airline (VA) should submit this form.
If you are not the main person responsible for running the VA, please do not proceed.
- The person submitting this form will be considered the official Owner of the
VA. As the Owner, you will be assigned the username prefixed with
0001, and this cannot be changed in the future. You will also be the main point
of contact with the Team vAMSYS.
- Use your real full name and correct email address. If we cannot verify your
identity or contact you, your Virtual Airline will be removed.
- Do not attempt to bypass restrictions. If you receive a message that your
callsign prefix is not permitted, do not try to outsmart the system. Any attempt to bypass
restrictions will result in your trial being immediately terminated without notice.
- Think carefully about the Virtual Airline you want to create. Be realistic
about your ambitions. Judge your time and abilities carefully - creation of Virtual Airlines
operating many callsigns is highly discouraged, and you may encounter
restrictions on some callsigns you can use due to existing agreements we have with other Virtual
- Understand what vAMSYS offers and what it does not. You are responsible for
setting up your airports, aircraft, routes, and more. Attracting pilots and members to your
Virtual Airline is your responsibility. vAMSYS does not provide assistance in
recruiting pilots or promoting your VA.
If you are happy with the above, please consider invited to submit the Application Form.
Simple no-tricks pricing
Access to all standard features and no-card-required 14 day trial.
14 day trial period so you can get all set up
Access to all standard vAMSYS Features
Hangar file Service and Discord bot Included
No upgrade fees for updates or future versions
Help and Support via Extensive Documentation, Discord or Email
What is vAMSYS?
vAMSYS - or in full - Virtual Airline Management System is the only complete virtual airline management solution where we take care of building, developing and maintaining the system. You only need to set up airports, routes and define fleets to get started. We offer many more features too - such as PIREP scorers, events, file storage service and Discord bot.
VDS - Operations Center
Our Virtual Dispatch System is where VA Staff set up airports, fleets and routes. Highly functional and configurable system allows you complete control over your route network, with custom start/end dates, multiple routings per airport pair, Aircraft Fleet Type allocation, custom Load Factors, freight and container setup and much more.
Pegasus - Tracker Included
Our in-house ACARS tracker for MSFS, FSX, P3D and X-Plane. All in one solution for all pilots using vAMSYS alleviating the need for VA owners to purchase ACARS tracker and giving pilots a respite from having multiple trackers installed on their system. With Pegasus being developed by us, we can ensure maximum compatibility with vAMSYS code and tune it to suit the needs of VA Owners and pilots alike.
Phoenix - The Pilot Interface
If you are a member of any of the VAs using vAMSYS, you will already be familiar with it. This is where pilots book their flights, see and register for events, check your route network, look at other pilots flying on the interactive map, check out your resource and document pages, maybe visit one of the social links you have added or tune in to your Twitch stream. Phoenix is highly customisable to make it fit the needs of your VA.
Orwell - Your HQ
Home for Virtual Airline Owners and Staff. Manage your pilots, tweak all sorts of settings - the list is long to name. Set up auto-reject rules, tweak individual score-sets, set up document and resource pages, review PIREPs and liveries, import and export your data, create award badges and more.
Top notch Resources and Ongoing Development
We, together with the community of other Virtual Airline owners on our Discord are here to lend a hand and point you in the right direction should you need to ask something our extensive documentation does not make clear. vAMSYS is not a side-gig or hobby project - it is constantly changing and improving as you can see in our public changelog.